Monday, October 1, 2012

15 years?

Has it been that long since I became a mommy for the very FIRST time?  I remember how excited I was to become a mom and how I called my dad and mom to tell them.  They were so thrilled too.  I was so young then, a mere 22 and I guess I had a lot of growing up to do and having a baby helped me grow up so much.  Evan has been such a joy, many say he is an old soul, because he has so much in common with people and has never been really immature.  He likes to go to church and sing in the choir and sing specials.  He is content to hang out with dear old mom or his family.  He is intelligent and trustworthy and works hard.  He is working hard this year as a freshman in the Honors Academy and is about to get his learner's permit.  I can say that he makes me humble.  He is sweet, kind, and so passionate about life and what he wants to do.

Thank you Lord for my time with him as a baby, as a child, and now as a teenager!  He enriches my life every day.  Happy Birthday Evan.  I love you to the moon and back!  <3  Love, MOM

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Happy 9 Months!

I haven't posted a lot about Jaxon lately.  He is growing like a little weed though.  He is currently 9 1/2 months and he weighed 22 lbs, 12 ozs and was 29 3/4 inches at his 9 month appointment.  I am amazed at what he is doing at such a young age.  I guess it has a lot to do with all of the experience he is getting with his older brothers and sister.  He started sitting up at 6 months, crawling at 7 months, cruising the furniture at 8 months, and is into everything that his brothers and sister are doing.  He loves table food and sweet tea, but we are careful to make sure he gets his Nutramigen formula and stage 3 baby food (not much longer, though)!   He doesn't like tart or bitter foods like peaches.  He is trying to use a sippy cup.  He has 7 teeth and cutting more.  He has blue eyes with little brown specks in them just like Eastan and his hair is changing daily.  He is wearing 12-18 months clothes and size 3 shoes (if we can get him to wear them)!  He is sitting stationary in a size 4 diaper.

Sometimes, we catch him looking at books and babbling.  I hope he likes to read.  I read to him and sing to him a lot.  He likes to be busy and loves to listen to the singing at church.  He understands some sign language and clicks his tongue.  He loves pat-a cake and ride a little horsey....SO precious.  Thankful that God allowed me to mother one more.  It won't be long now and this baby will be one and we will wonder where the time has gone.  Just thankful and grateful that God saw fit to bless me with Jaxon. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Eastan Carter

I remember this day quite well, the anticipation setting in as we prepared the house and Evan and Ethan for baby #3 that would be arriving in less than 48 hours.  I always wanted to bring a baby home to a clean house because after that it was hard to get anything done.  And then there were 3.  His little blue eyes, his fiery red hair, his sweet disposition, his sweet little heart, his compassion for right and wrong.  I love you Eastan Carter and you are so special to me.  All of these years of raising you, I know God has something special in store for you.  8 years ago on August 2nd, my heart grew to make room for you, sweet boy.  Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Enslee Cayden

Almost 6 years ago, another heart's desire was given to me....a little girl.  After 3 little boys and a heartbreaking miscarriage, I just assumed that we would have a family of boys, which I was totally grateful to have.  I remember the ultrasound appointment after months of being so sick and throwing up(I had lost 50 pounds prior to becoming pregnant and then lost another 16)!  I tried so hard to think of a boy "E" name that I liked as well as I loved my other boy names.  But anyway back to the ultrasound appointment, we went in and I just knew it was a boy.  Lo, and behold, the ultrasound technician asked how many do you have and we stated "3 boys" and she said "well they are going to have their hands full with this one!"  AND there SHE was.....My heart was so overjoyed!  I knew from that moment she would be the little girl that I never wanted to be.  The prissy, pink/purple, dress up, ballerina type!  To look at her today, I am so proud of her, she has a heart of gold.  She is amazing, she is strong and sensitive, she can read and write.  She is a lefty, and she isn't afraid to tell you what she believes.  She can pray the sweetest prayer and she will tell how she asked Jesus into her heart!  I am so thankful that God has allowed me to be her mommy for this time on Earth!  I love you Enslee Cayden! 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ethan Charles

Today is a special day for my sweet son.  My second son, Ethan Charles was born today.  My smallest baby to date, my miracle baby, the baby that I waited for so long. The baby they told me I might never have... I waited almost 6 years for him to come.  He is sensitive, sweet and very caring and compassionate about everyone he meets.  He takes and takes and when he has had enough he retreats to his quiet place.  I am so grateful for him, he holds a special place in my heart!  I thank the Lord for him! He is 9 years old today and his middle name is after my daddy who died a year before he was born.  I love you Ethan!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April 2, 2012

Well folks, Jason and I made it to year one of marriage (4/2/12).  He has done pretty well of taking on a woman with four kids and then adding on one of his own.  At times, I can see his eyes glaze over, but his patience is overwhelmingly present and it calms me.  The last year and a half have been amazing. Here are some pictures to show our family and how we have traveled this amazing journey TOGETHER!

 This is our engagement photo taken my Michelle Carter of Michelle Carter Photography.  
(All photos courtesy of Michelle Carter Photography)

Our wedding day surround by family and friends! 

Our new precious family joined!

Finding that Jaxon was coming to join us!

Knowing that my 4 angels would love this angel more than life itself was overwhelming!

 A family of 6....almost a family of 7!

And then...that sweet baby came and made that daddy so overjoyed...beyond words

GOD has truly blessed....How can anyone not see that!

Our cup runneth over!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

In the eyes of kids

Do you ever wonder what kids think about?  I do a lot and especially wonder what my little guy Jaxon is thinking about as we take care of him daily.  Does he feel safe and secure?  Does he feel loved, does he really even know what love is yet?  Jaxon has just started crying when he is upset...wanting a bottle usually.  After that bottle, he is the most content little fellow. He is so alert now, only taking 2 to 3 little naps a day.  He is smiling and laughing and kicking his little legs and holding his head up.  Since he was diagnosed with reflux and milk protein allergy he is not been on his tummy or back a lot because he spits up so bad.  So today, I laid him on his gym and let him play and laid beside him.  He smiled and reached for the toys hanging and just "talked" to me and the toys. 

I do not even have to wonder what my older guys and gal are thinking because they sure do let me know on a daily basis, and what they have to tell me is very enlightening!  So glad that they all have a good foundation and are not afraid to have a talk with dear old mom about things that bother them or about questions they have.  It is very important in this day and age to keep the lines of communication open with them.  The world is crazy and so unknown.  I can raise them the best that I can and hope that the old adage stays true..."Raise up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it".

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Countdown....back to work I go

Sad :( Just really, really sad.  Sad to be leaving my new baby boy to go back to a career I am so thankful for and a classroom I love so much.  As I type this post, I am watching Jaxon in his swing, moving his little arms and legs, looking around with his big, blue eyes and wondering how I ever left my 4 other children to go to work and was it this hard?  I can truly say yes it was hard, difficult (swallow...big lump in my throat).  I know it will get easier as time goes by but the initial heartache is so painful emotionally. The time at home with him has passed by so fast, I have cherished every minute and I have taken tons of pictures.  I see friends having their babies and starting their time at home and other friends who are counting down to have their babies.  It is such a wonderful experience bonding with and learning about a new little person and watching that one little person blend in so well with your family.  

Back to the real world soon, back to working, rushing, deadlines, and all of the things that make life so hectic, but at least I get to come home to  6 of the greatest blessings ever given to me.  I love my family and I hope they know that I have never taken them for granted.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

I am getting some quiet time this afternoon and I want to take a little time to reflect on the last year and how I am so grateful for the flurry of blessings that have been given to me by God.  We started our year off by attending church.  There were couple of points in the sermon  that made me really think about where I am in my walk with Christ.
1) Do I wake up every morning and think of HIM first and THANK HIM?
2) Do I begin my night with HIM?
3) Do I put God first before others?
3)  Do I cast my cares and worries upon him or do I worry and try to fix it MYSELF? 

I consider myself very imperfect.  I am not the straight line walker, I mess up constantly, I fail daily, I worry, I cry, I get frustrated, I cry, I get mad, I pout, BUT I am FORGIVEN!  Why shouldn't I take a minute, five minutes, to thank HIM for allowing me to wake up, after all, WITHOUT HIM I am nothing.  HE created me, HE has given me everything I have, and in one minute it could all be gone.  Life is busy, almost crazy sometimes.

Several times a day, I find myself worrying about money, life issues, my children...what if every time those worrying thoughts creep into my head, I would just ask God to take the worries from me and give me peace and strength to carry on?  What would happen? Does this mean the human flesh would not let these feelings rekindle?  Well, no but I have a FATHER who cares and who wants those burdens placed at HIS FEET! 

I just thought I would share.  This was heavy on my heart.
