Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

I am getting some quiet time this afternoon and I want to take a little time to reflect on the last year and how I am so grateful for the flurry of blessings that have been given to me by God.  We started our year off by attending church.  There were couple of points in the sermon  that made me really think about where I am in my walk with Christ.
1) Do I wake up every morning and think of HIM first and THANK HIM?
2) Do I begin my night with HIM?
3) Do I put God first before others?
3)  Do I cast my cares and worries upon him or do I worry and try to fix it MYSELF? 

I consider myself very imperfect.  I am not the straight line walker, I mess up constantly, I fail daily, I worry, I cry, I get frustrated, I cry, I get mad, I pout, BUT I am FORGIVEN!  Why shouldn't I take a minute, five minutes, to thank HIM for allowing me to wake up, after all, WITHOUT HIM I am nothing.  HE created me, HE has given me everything I have, and in one minute it could all be gone.  Life is busy, almost crazy sometimes.

Several times a day, I find myself worrying about money, life issues, my children...what if every time those worrying thoughts creep into my head, I would just ask God to take the worries from me and give me peace and strength to carry on?  What would happen? Does this mean the human flesh would not let these feelings rekindle?  Well, no but I have a FATHER who cares and who wants those burdens placed at HIS FEET! 

I just thought I would share.  This was heavy on my heart.
