Sunday, November 27, 2011

The night before JLL

As I sit thinking about all the gazillion things I need to do before I go to bed on this Sunday night, my mind is wondering to my place as a mother of 4 and wondering how in just over 12 hours all this will change.  We have had a full weekend of Thanksgiving festivities and some downtime but I have yet to process the fact that I will be a mother of five.  Some people say that I needed to stop at 2, then 3, then 4, and never have this 5th child, but who is to say that God didn't have my life planned out from the day my mother delivered me.  In fact,  I know that he did, because my Christian foundation and faith has remained firm that God's plan is the only plan that I follow.  He will see this family through and even though I may worry and have doubts and fears, I can bank on my God!  He will be ON TIME!

I just want to thank those who have encouraged and supported me through this long road of starting over, getting remarried, and having yet another miracle in my life.  It has not been easy but yet, God is still providing.  Tomorrow will yet mark another wonderful milestone in my life. a first for my new husband in which I get to share with him, a new daddy.  He loves my children as his own and if you have seen his interaction with them, it is so evident, but there is something about holding your own for the first time. 

While most of you are sleeping, I will be awake anticipating what will happen tomorrow and all the new memories that will be made.  I love being a mommy.  It is all that I have ever wanted to be.  4 AM will come so early but I am so excited to continue this journey with my children and my husband and my new son.  I will post pictures as soon as I can. 


1 comment:

  1. Congrats!!!! Soo excited for you!!!! And you said it best no one can decide what your's, mine or anyone elses future!!! God is the maker and the designer of our lives!!!! Enjoy every minute of this new begining!!!! Congrats to all of you!!!!!! Michilyn
